Who Are We?
Co-founder Christine Currie has a background in major market multi media and advertising creative.
She enjoys organizing community centric events, and is currently focused upon having this current website serve as an art portal for all creatives looking to teach a class, workshop or list a current class offered within the 831. Please direct any marketing or sponsorship questions to christine{ at}artdujour.org
Co-founder Heather Young holds a teaching credential from the state of California and has a fine arts/metal smithing and humanities educational background. She has left the fold to pursuit teaching full time.
Our working Board Of Directors: Dr. Paul Quintana, Daz Kinser, Lance Brown, Lee Quintana, Christine Currie
Additional staff: Docents who have retired from education and share a passion for expression. Santa Cruz offers such a diverse economy from University students, working artists and educators who believe in the community investment of an arts education. We welcome additional help should you have time.
Art du Jour is a 501 (c)(3) 45-2257894. Status as a non-profit educational arts-based community organization.
Services support all of Santa Cruz County. Summer Camps in Saugatuck Township Michigan summer 2016 artfarmfennville.com for schedule and events offered.